A septic tank is a container or tub that is used to store and process human waste. In Indonesia, people call this sewage tank as sepiteng.
It is a place to manage fecal sludge and urine from bathroom disposal. In it, liquid waste and solid waste will be separated so that the dregs are easily absorbed by the ground and destroyed naturally.
Because its function is so important, making a septic tank should not be done haphazardly. If the faeces processing site is not built according to regulations, the waste that is disposed of will not seep in properly. This condition will not only damage the environment, but also cause various diseases.
In the manufacturing process, the household sanitation system must be guided by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The facilities are not arbitrary because they are regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation Number 3 of 2014.
So, so you don’t make a mistake when making the right stool treatment site, see the information about building a septic tank that has been summarized by Sinar Surya Bali below.
Position and Size Must Be Correct
The first step in making a septic tank is to determine the area that will be used as the location of the tank. The places can vary, some are under the garage or in front of the house. Make sure the position is lower than the latrine. In addition, the tank should not be installed too close to a clean water well.
The dugout will have to be divided into two rooms. The first room serves to accommodate solid waste, while the second room is to accommodate liquid waste. In the latter part, the air ducts must not be blocked to avoid the risk of the tank exploding due to the accumulation of methane gas from the evaporation of wastewater.
Choose the Appropriate Material
Sewerage tanks are found to have many types of materials. Concrete tanks are the most commonly used type in Indonesia. However, the heavy weight actually makes concrete tanks quite expensive because the installation requires the help of heavy equipment.
A plate made of plastic is no less popular thanks to its low price. However, before deciding to install a plastic tank, you should first check the soil texture and water level. The reason is, this type of tank easily shifts, floats, or changes shape if the soil conditions around the house are too dense or too soft.
Need Care
After completion, sepiteng also needs maintenance. At least once a year, the feces processing site must be inspected to prevent unwanted damage. In addition, if a pool of water appears, followed by an unpleasant odor, this is a sign that the tank is full and requires desludging of the fecal sludge.
That was the information regarding the making of sepiteng and the stages of its management that you need to know. According to its manufacturer, choosing a sewage tank certainly should not be arbitrary. For this reason, Sinar Surya Bali has a wide range of products to offer to support household sanitation systems according to your needs.Here, you can find a waste disposal tank with a modern design, environmentally friendly, sturdy and, of course, anti-filled. Immediately have septic tank and other engineering equipment products.